One pouring day I went to school and I slipped over on my head but then I had this weird dream. My dream went on a camping trip to see this mysterious cave for a school trip Once we got there on a bus we all set up our tents and we went exploring,But when me and my friend saw this cave and we were wondering if we should go and check it out. So we came into the cave and we saw this ugly old train that had vines on it we had goosebumps when we were staring at the train, But when we looked closer we saw these beautiful green leaves that looked like a garden. We were walking through the track and while we were walking through the track we heard birds chirping and footsteps running around and it felt like I was going to fall asleep.But when we were at the end of the trail we saw this note that said That in 1988 this train was born and It has been there for over a million years and it said that 5 million people have died on that train.I was really scared but I was too scared so I popped out of my hospital bed and I was lucky that I was not there for real life.
Your wonder writing had suspense. I wasn't too sure if you were dreaming or if it was real life? But the ending was eerie - I would be freaked out as well! Great wonder writing Atawhai!