
Tuesday 13 October 2020

Meaning and symbols

 Meaning and symbols

This is the all the meanings of Maori patterns



What’s the name of this pattern? 


What does it represent?

→ Fish scales that represent abundance and health.


What’s the name of this pattern? 

→ Ahu ahu mataroa 

What does it represent?

→ Shows talent and achievement in  sport and can also be representative of a new challenge.


What’s the name of this pattern? 

→ Taratarekai 

What does it represent?

→ From Whales teeth


What’s the name of this pattern? 

→ Manaia

What does it represent?

→ This is known as the spiritual Guardian. It has like a bird like figure

With the head of a bird,body of a man and the tail of a fish. It acts 

Like a provider and protector over the sky,earth and sea.



What’s the name of this pattern? 

→ Hei matau (fish hook)

What does it represent?

→ This is called the fish hook in english. This represents strength,determination and good health as well as providing safe journey over water.

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